Benedict Uzorka
Academic Coach
Fun Facts:
- I grew up in Detroit, MI.
- My favorite food is pasta.
- I love trying new things!
- My favorite game growing up was Pokemon.
Organized, Dependable, Kind
Hi I’m Benedict! I am an Academic Coach for Staying Ahead of the Game LLC. I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Biochemistry from Michigan State University. I am currently working on my medical degree at Baylor College of Medicine here in Houston. I have worked as a tutor for over 3 years at Baylor at Ryan Middle School teaching 8th grade math. I always try to make whatever we are doing fun because if they don’t enjoy doing it the habits don’t stick. In addition I like to make habits easy but effective because if it is too difficult it won’t be done. I also want students to know that they are not alone and to learn to ask for help. With hard work and determination, a task that seems impossible can be overcome!