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Some Productive Thoughts on Generative AI in Education

A year has passed since we last examined the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. As we said then, generative AI presents both opportunities and challenges that we must navigate with care.  Students, like the rest of us, are learning how to use this technology responsibly, and that process takes time. But it’s important to keep the conversation around AI balanced.  This blog aims to shift the conversation from skepticism and concern over these new tools to a more nuanced understanding of how these tools can be used to aid the educational experience.

The conversation around AI in education often oscillates between its benefits and drawbacks. On the positive side, AI brings a level of personalized learning that’s hard to match. It uses adaptive algorithms that tailor the learning experience to each student’s needs, providing immediate feedback and allowing for adjustments in learning strategies and pacing on the fly. AI also helps with the routine tasks, freeing up teachers to spend more time on actual teaching rather than getting bogged down by admin work.

However, there are significant concerns. One major worry is that relying too much on technology might weaken students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Issues around data privacy and the ethical implications of using AI in education are also hot topics. Moreover, there’s the risk of increasing the digital divide. Access to the latest AI tools might be uneven, benefiting those from higher socio-economic backgrounds and leaving others behind. Tackling AI’s downsides is essential. We need to ensure it doesn’t compromise essential skills like critical thinking, that everyone has fair access to this technology, and that ethical standards are in place. Balancing these factors is key to making the most of what AI can offer in education.

Productive Uses of AI for Students

As we delve into the practical applications of AI in education, it’s crucial to consider how these tools align with the four pillars of Executive Function that SAOTG emphasizes: organization, time management, learning skills, and impression management.

We believe that students who master the four pillars of Executive Function can thrive inside and outside of the classroom. To the extent that AI technology can aid a student in developing and maintaining EF habits and systems, we wholeheartedly support its adoption. The key is to make sure that students use these tools responsibly. In the sections below, we highlight the potential uses of generative AI through SAOTG’S four pillar framework.


Organization is one of the first concepts we tackle in our one-on-one coaching program. Students who have the right information at their fingertips are more likely to succeed in school and in life. We encourage students to develop habits and systems that enable rapid and reliable information retrieval. Certain AI tools can bolster these crucial EF systems.

AI-enabled note taking and storage devices, such as Notion and Evernote, are not merely tools; they are companions in the scholarly journey. Our traditional binder system helps students find the right information in seconds. Whether a student needs to find a biology review packet or class notes from last month, our binder system prioritizes efficiency and reliability.  AI tools enhance organizational ease and retrievability. Picture this: a student, weaving through a semester’s worth of notes with a simple query, retrieving the right information in seconds during the hectic period before final exams. This isn’t just convenient; it’s revolutionary.

The art of organization is further elevated as AI effortlessly sorts, tags, formats, and summarizes the ocean of data students dive into daily. Auto-formatting isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about transforming a jumble of ideas into a structured form that students can navigate with ease. And as finals approach, the power of summarization isn’t just handy—it’s a lifeline, distilling weeks of lectures into essential nuggets of wisdom. With the implementation of these tools, students can pivot from passive collectors of information to strategic architects of their knowledge.

Time Management

Just as we prioritize organization in our coaching program, time management stands as another pillar essential for student success. Effective time management allows students to transform a daunting list of tasks into a structured and achievable plan. We guide students in mastering the ‘what’ and the ‘when’ through the disciplined use of planners and calendars, laying the foundation for a systematic approach to their daily, weekly, and monthly obligations.

AI tools can make these EF procedures easier to adopt and maintain. Similar to how we leverage AI for organizational purposes, tools like digital planners and smart calendars can revolutionize how students approach their schedules. Imagine the convenience of an AI that takes a student’s checklist of priorities and goals, then crafts a personalized daily agenda filled with reminders and alerts, all designed to optimize the use of their time. This integration of AI doesn’t mean relinquishing control but rather, customizing technology to amplify our innate capacity for planning and prioritization.

Our philosophy encourages students to take the reins. Now, students can use AI as a tool to execute their vision of an ideal academic schedule. The synergy between students and AI in managing time is akin to a collaborative dance, one where discipline meets innovation. In this dynamic, AI doesn’t dictate the pace; instead, it follows the student’s lead, guided by their ambitions and tried and true EF strategies.

Learning Skills

We encourage students to learn how to learn. Through a variety of note-taking systems, study techniques, and testing best-practices we encourage students to see learning as a skill. Good grades, then, are the byproduct of the right system, rather than an uncontrollable luck of the draw. AI-drive adaptive learning models can enhance some of these tactics by acting as digital mentors and sparring partners.

Self-testing is an essential technique in the arsenal of successful students. It involves students testing themselves rather than simply reviewing material, which has been shown to significantly improve memory recall and understanding. AI can facilitate this by generating custom quizzes tailored to the student’s learning history, enabling frequent and efficient review. Through AI, self-testing becomes a dynamic and interactive experience, guiding students to identify gaps in their knowledge and target their studies more effectively.

Socratic questioning, another pillar of robust learning, involves fostering a deep, reflective dialogue around topics, encouraging students to explore the foundations of their knowledge. AI can mimic this method, prompting students with targeted questions that inspire critical thinking and self-reflection. This not only deepens their understanding but also nurtures their executive function skills by requiring them to organize their thoughts, reason through complex problems, and articulate their understanding clearly.

The interplay between AI and learning skills we are suggesting is not a one-way street; it’s a dynamic, responsive relationship. AI tools are designed to respond to input from students, adapting the difficulty and nature of material as the student grows. This continual adjustment ensures that learning remains challenging yet accessible, mirroring the personalized touch of a skilled tutor.

Incorporating AI into the learning process is about enhancing, not replacing, traditional educational methods. When students engage with AI, they’re not passively receiving information; they’re actively participating in a dialogue. This engagement is a crucial exercise in developing executive functions—it requires students to be planners, organizers, and reflective thinkers.

Impression Management

Lastly, let’s talk about how AI can help with impression management. Impression management forms a critical component of our EF curriculum underscoring the significance of effective communication with teachers, parents, and peers. AI tools can not only help students manage their workload but also to refine their communication skills. 

AI tools, such as advanced grammar checkers and style enhancers, are more than just aids for correcting spelling or grammar. They help students to convey their ideas more effectively. They also decrease the activation required to be a proactive student communicator. Incorporating AI into impression management tasks empowers students to take control of how they are perceived academically and professionally—the foundation of our impression management philosophy. In this context, AI doesn’t overshadow the student’s voice; it amplifies it, ensuring that what they say and how they say it truly represents who they are and what they stand for. Through strategic use of AI, students learn not just to manage impressions but to make lasting ones.

Closing Thoughts

As we continue to explore the landscape of generative AI in education, it’s essential to guide our students in leveraging these tools to enhance their learning. With thoughtful integration, AI can be a valuable asset in developing the organizational, time management, learning, and impression management skills that are critical for academic success. We hope this blog post has provided some guidelines for how students can use AI to enhance their learning.

At SAOTG, we are committed to helping students and parents navigate this new digital terrain with confidence and foresight. We invite you to delve deeper into this topic by exploring our other informative blogs, and we encourage you to reach out to us to learn more about how our one-on-one academic coaching services can support your student’s educational endeavors.

Evan Weinberger


Staying Ahead of the Game offers unique academic coaching & tutoring services to help good students achieve greatness.

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