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Evan Weinberger

The Feynman Technique

Simplicity is underrated. Albert Einstein once said, “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” True mastery of a concept requires thorough understanding and condensation of complex matters into everyday jargon. Too often, when students learn a challenging new concept, they rely too heavily on complicated vernacular that, while precise, is

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Three Overlooked Steps in Creating a Winning Workspace

We are big organization people, here at Staying Ahead of the Game. From binders to backpacks, calendars to planners, and everything in between, we understand the critical role organization plays in a student’s success. Combining top-notch organizational skills with time management, study skills, and impression management helps any student thrive. We have discussed our full-proof

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The Pomodoro Technique

Students often tell us that they have a hard time motivating themselves to start studying. Once they get rolling, they are fine, but the genesis is insurmountable. It’s a common problem. After all, activation energy to beat inertia requires more force than sustained movement. That doesn’t help us, though. No, for students to beat procrastination,

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On Self-Awareness

What distinguishes our unique executive functioning skills program from traditional tutoring companies is our focus on impression management in addition to organization, time management, and study skills. Impression management is the process by which people control how they are perceived by others. For students, this typically means teachers, parents, and peers. However, this circle of

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Boosting Creativity and Executive Function on Vacation

As the world slowly returns to normal, many families are eager to travel after eighteen months of COVID complications. Vacations and family trips are a great way to relieve stress and reconnect, but they also provide a unique opportunity to improve a student’s executive functioning skills. Many families see executive functioning skills like organization, time

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