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Evan Weinberger

Why Exercise Matters for Students

Modern-day students spend most of their waking hours sharpening their minds at school, building relationships with friends and families, and pursuing a wide variety of hobbies. Although students tend to think of their social, academic, and physical activities as separate, these areas are quite synergistic, meaning success in one area translates to success in another. […]

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Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

“The challenges we face are irrelevant. I only care about your response.” One of my favorite teachers and mentors repeated this axiom weekly during my sophomore year of high school. Every late homework assignment, every poorly written essay, and every athletic failure received the same twelve-word response. Although frustrating to hear for the thousandth time,

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These days, there are lots of options available for after-school activities. From sports teams and karate classes to math clubs and music lessons, there’s something for everyone. Often, kids are involved in more than one extracurricular activity, each with its own unique benefits. When choosing which activities are good for each student, there are lots

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