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Evan Weinberger

Two Unconventional Time Management Tips

Time management is a skill that eludes many students, particularly those juggling schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social lives. With a packed schedule, finding time for everything without feeling overwhelmed can be a daunting task. While popular methods like the Pomodoro Technique or “Eat That Frog” often steal the spotlight, lesser-known strategies like Pickle Jar Theory

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Growth Mindset

Section 1: Understanding the Growth Mindset The Growth Mindset, pioneered by psychologist Carol Dweck, is rooted in the belief that intelligence, abilities, and talents are not fixed traits but can be developed through effort, strategy, and learning. This mindset represents a shift from viewing intelligence as static to understanding it as something that grows with

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Planner Basics

Calendars and planners may seem like similar tools, but they serve distinct and complementary functions. Calendars are essential for scheduling events, while planners are key to managing tasks. Regardless of age, background, or responsibilities, everyone can benefit from using both tools. However, the real art of time management lies in mastering the use of a

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Rethinking Class Preparation

Rethinking Class Preparation As students progress through school, their approach to class time evolves significantly. Imagine a boat navigating a river, with two distinct banks on either side. One bank represents “pure learning,” where students encounter new concepts through reading, lectures, or group activities. The other bank symbolizes “organizing and predicting,” where the focus shifts

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Conquering College

Conquering College The leap from high school to college is one of the most transformative—and challenging—experiences in a young adult’s life. It’s a time that promises newfound freedom and the chance to carve out a path of one’s own. However, beneath the excitement lies a truth that many students and their families underestimate: the transition

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